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iThemes Security Pro v8.4.2 Plugin

iThemes Security Pro Free Download

iThemes Security Pro is the most comprehensive WordPress security plugin available. It includes all the features of iThemes Security and adds features like two-factor authentication, malware scanning, automatic WordPress updates and more.

NameiThemes Security Pro
File Name ithemes-security-pro
File Type zip (Installable Archive)
File | Mirror
Updated On:3 months ago

Core Features of iThemes Security Pro Plugin

  • Brute Force WordPress Password Protection Limit the number of failed login attempts allowed for users using WordPress force protection. If someone tries to guess your password, it gets blocked after a few unsuccessful attempts.
  • Detect file changes If someone succeeds in accessing your website, they will most likely add, delete, or modify the website file. Get email notifications of recent file changes so you know if you’ve been hacked.
  • Detects 404
  • If the bot crawls your website for vulnerabilities, it will generate a lot of 404 errors. iTheme Security will block this IP address after the limit you set (by default, 20 errors in 5 minutes).
  • Strong password protection Indicates what level of users on your website (admin, editor, user, etc.) should have strong passwords. Forcing a strong password is one of the best ways to protect WordPress.
  • Block bad users Hold on users Bad stay away from your website if they have too many failed login attempts, if they generate too many 404 errors or if they are on the bot’s blacklist.
  • Stand by Not changing your website 24 hours a day? The Harden WordPress feature makes the WordPress dashboard inaccessible for certain hours so no one else can sneak in and try to make changes.
  • Function “hide Login & Admin” Change the /wp-admin/login.php URL of your WordPress login so that an attacker doesn’t know where to find your site’s entrance. This feature is also good for helping customers remember their login links. Backup
  • Database Back up your databases and send them via email. Make full backups and send them to destinations for external storage.
  • Notification Receive an email notification email when someone is blocked after too many failed login attempts or when a file on your website has been modified.
  • Scan WordPress for malware The iTheme Security plugin uses the Sucuri SiteCheck crawler to scan for malware in WordPress. Sucuri SiteCheck uses 10-point testing to scan your website for known malware, blacklist status, website errors, and outdated software. With iTheme Security Pro, you can enable daily malware scans and receive email notifications if a problem is detected.
  • WordPress version Outdated software – whether it’s WordPress, a theme, or a plugin – compromises your websites because of security vulnerabilities commonly known to cyber criminals. The new version of the iTheme Security Pro version control module can automatically update new versions of WordPress, themes, and plugins, as well as take measures to increase security when website software fails. time.
  • The WordPress magic link module Magic Links feature allows you to log in when your username is blocked by Local Brute Force Protection. When your username is blocked, you can request an email with a special login link. Using email will bypass the blocking of usernames, while the attackers will still be blocked.
  • Two-factor authentication Thanks to WordPress two-factor authentication from iTheme Security Pro, users need to enter a password and an additional code sent to a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. To successfully log in to your user account, you need a password and a code. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of WordPress security to ensure that you’re logged in, not the visitor (or even guessing) your password.

What’s New (Changelog) in iThemes Security Pro v8.4.2

8.4.2 - 2024-04-22 - Timothy Jacobs, Lisa Canini, Jared Hill
Bug Fix: The Security Dashboard widget would not appear on new Solid Security installs.
Bug Fix: Activating a Patchstack license on sites with a www. subdomain would not show the license as active.

Sales Page and Live Demo of iThemes Security Pro Plugin

Free Download iThemes Security Pro Latest Version


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Here are some frequently asked questions related to iThemes Security Pro Plugin that might help you while installing it on your WordPress site:

Steps for a Plugin:

If you have already downloaded the plugin file from our website, you can upload it manually by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Plugins" in the left-hand menu and click "Add New."
  3. Click on the "Upload Plugin" button at the top of the page.
  4. Click the "Choose File" button and select the plugin file from your computer.
  5. Click the "Install Now" button to start the installation process.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete, and then click the "Activate" button to enable the plugin.

Steps for a Theme:

Installing a new theme in WordPress is also a simple process. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Appearance" in the left-hand menu and click on "Themes."
  3. Click on the "Add New" button at the top of the page.
  4. You will see a list of popular themes, or you can click "Upload Theme" to upload a theme from your computer.
  5. If you choose a theme from the list, you can preview it first by clicking on the "Preview" button. If you like it, click the "Install" button to install it.
  6. If you upload a theme, click "Choose File" to select the theme file from your computer, then click "Install Now".
  7. Once installed, click the "Activate" button to activate the new theme.

Please try to install " iThemes Security Pro " as a plugin instead of a theme.

If you installed a plugin as a theme, it could also cause the "style.css not found" error. This is because plugins and themes have different file structures, and WordPress expects certain files to be in specific locations based on whether it's a plugin or a theme.

Please extract the downloaded file before installing it as it contains some additional files.

The error message you encountered while trying to install the theme/plugin package is likely because it was in .rar format. WordPress only supports installation of themes/plugins in .zip format, so you would need to extract the contents of the .rar file first before installing the theme/plugin.

To do this, you can use a file extraction tool such as WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the contents of the .rar file on your computer. Once the files have been extracted, you should see a folder containing the theme/plugin files in .zip format. You can then upload and install this .zip file through the WordPress dashboard just like any other theme/plugin.

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