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Link Whisper Pro v2.4.5 Plugin

Link Whisper Pro Free Download

Link Whisper Pro is a revolutionary WordPress plugin that streamlines the process of internal linking for SEO purposes. Internal linking is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization, as it helps Google understand the structure of your website and the relationships between your pages. With Link Whisper Pro, you can easily add multiple links at once with anchor text already selected, saving you time and effort. The plugin also has the ability to add inbound internal links to old pages that may have been orphaned or simply need more internal link “juice,” which can have a significant impact on your rankings in Google.

NameLink Whisper Pro
File Name link-whisper-premium
File Type zip (Installable Archive)
File | Mirror
Updated On:4 weeks ago

Core Features of Link Whisper Pro Plugin

  • Add multiple links at once with anchor text already selected
  • Ability to add inbound internal links to old pages
  • Add, edit, or delete links quickly
  • Edit sentences right within Link Whisper
  • Ignore certain URLs or categories on site
  • Add target SEO keywords and get relevant link suggestions
  • Auto-linking
  • Bulk link changer
  • Broken link checker
  • Cross-site linking suggestions

What’s New (Changelog) in Link Whisper Pro v2.4.5

2.4.5 June 21, 2024

  • [NEW FEATURE] Creating a new link highlighting feature! (Now you can click on anchors in the link dropdowns, and you will be taken to the page that has the link, the page will be scrolled to the link’s location, and the link will be highlit for easy spotting)
  • [NEW FEATURE] Creating system to detect if a link was created by a page builder module that Link Whisper isn’t able to modify. (This is so you can tell if the link needs to be modified in the editor and not Link Whisper. To easily show which links are unmodifiable, we are adding a new status icon in the link dropdowns.)
  • [NEW FEATURE] Adding “Link Created” column to the Click Tracking! (The column will show when a link was created if Link Whisper has that information)
  • [NEW SETTING] Creating setting to use a custom database table for all link stat data purposes. (The setting is called “Run Link Stats From Link Table” and turning it on should make the reports and link data lookups all run faster.)
  • [NEW SETTING] Creating setting to exclude posts from the Related Post widget by Categories and Tags!
  • [NEW SETTING] Creating a setting to not add accessibility icons to links that contain images.
  • [NEW SETTING] Creating a setting to allow Link Scans to be optimized for speed. (The setting tells Link Whisper to work with larger post batches, and to minimize the number of times it accesses the database during a scan so it runs overall faster.)
  • [NEW SETTING] Creating a setting to run the Autolinking by cron task! (The setting is called “Activate Autolinking Cron Task”, and it works by creating a list of all the posts that could have Autolinks inserted in them, and then going down that list post-by-post inserting links where possible. The cron interval is every 5 minutes.)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improving embedded link scanning for the Broken Link Checker!
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improving the link validation done during click tracking to increase the number of tracked clicks and to better handle dynamic links.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improving the check if a post was created by a REST API call from an external source.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Updating the Oxygen integration so it can work with Oxygen 4.8.3+
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Updating the date format for the Detailed Click Report chart so it uses the same date format as the site.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improving the click tracking functionality so it can better ignore clicks on nav buttons.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Setting the Related Posts widget to not display related posts when set to “Manual Selection” and no posts have been selected.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Increasing the speed at which the first stage of the Link Scan runs.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Making it possible to not add accessibility icons to links inside of “center” and “aside” HTML tags.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adjusting the license key checking to hopefully avoid accidental disconnects.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Making it possible to programmatically define a license key. (To programmatically define the key, please create a constant called “WPIL_PREMIUM_LICENSE_KEY” in your config.php file and set the value for your Link Whisper license key.)
  • [UX/UI] Making more popups permanently dismissable. (Link Delete, Domain Attribute update, and URL update in the Broken Link Report)
  • [UX/UI] Creating status icons for links created by known Related Post sections. (Related post links are shown with a green arrow status icon in the link dropdowns)
  • [UX/UI] Setting the Related Post thumbnails to be uniformly square so they are always all the same size.
  • [COMPATIBILITY] Adjusting the included code libraries to avoid conflicts with other plugins that use the same libraries. (Should particularly help with errors when exporting post data to Excel)
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing bug that would sometimes replace unicode-encoded hyphens in Autolink URLs with em dashes
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing notice about undefined property when running the Link Suggestions.
  • [BUGFIX] Adjusting the Autolinking rule deletion so that clicking on the X delete button will only delete that rule if multiple are selected.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing PHP 8.2 notice that could happen during the autolink checks during post save.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing bug that would make the link stat updating during post save take longer than it should have.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing a bug that would keep Autolinks from inserting when posts were created or updated.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixing notice when saving the Click Tracking screen options for the first time.

Sales Page and Live Demo of Link Whisper Pro Plugin

Free Download Link Whisper Pro Latest Version


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Here are some frequently asked questions related to Link Whisper Pro Plugin that might help you while installing it on your WordPress site:

Steps for a Plugin:

If you have already downloaded the plugin file from our website, you can upload it manually by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Plugins" in the left-hand menu and click "Add New."
  3. Click on the "Upload Plugin" button at the top of the page.
  4. Click the "Choose File" button and select the plugin file from your computer.
  5. Click the "Install Now" button to start the installation process.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete, and then click the "Activate" button to enable the plugin.

Steps for a Theme:

Installing a new theme in WordPress is also a simple process. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Appearance" in the left-hand menu and click on "Themes."
  3. Click on the "Add New" button at the top of the page.
  4. You will see a list of popular themes, or you can click "Upload Theme" to upload a theme from your computer.
  5. If you choose a theme from the list, you can preview it first by clicking on the "Preview" button. If you like it, click the "Install" button to install it.
  6. If you upload a theme, click "Choose File" to select the theme file from your computer, then click "Install Now".
  7. Once installed, click the "Activate" button to activate the new theme.

Please try to install " Link Whisper Pro " as a plugin instead of a theme.

If you installed a plugin as a theme, it could also cause the "style.css not found" error. This is because plugins and themes have different file structures, and WordPress expects certain files to be in specific locations based on whether it's a plugin or a theme.

Please extract the downloaded file before installing it as it contains some additional files.

The error message you encountered while trying to install the theme/plugin package is likely because it was in .rar format. WordPress only supports installation of themes/plugins in .zip format, so you would need to extract the contents of the .rar file first before installing the theme/plugin.

To do this, you can use a file extraction tool such as WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the contents of the .rar file on your computer. Once the files have been extracted, you should see a folder containing the theme/plugin files in .zip format. You can then upload and install this .zip file through the WordPress dashboard just like any other theme/plugin.

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